Sunday, February 19, 2012

Between Classy and Trash

As we all probably know, there is a thin line between looking nice and looking like you try too hard. There is always that one girl that we all know that wears too much make up, or her clothes are too tight that everyone talks about behind her back. No one want's to be that girl and here is how we all make sure that we aren't her.

Make Up:
1) Always use a light hand when applying anything. (Even smokey eyes look bad when they are too dark.)
2) If you look at it and think that it's too dark, it is.
3) Don't go over board with the colors, a pop here and there is fine... Just not everywhere.

1) Make sure to try the item on in the store, even if you think that it will fit.
2) When your stomach starts to hang out of the bottom of your favorite tee, replace it because it is TOO SMALL.

Tips to help you stay classy:

Make up:
1) Try using colors that are within the shade of your skin colors, or even a shade or two lighter.
2) When you are trying to have a pop of color, don't make it too bold. No one thinks that it's cute.

1) Even though the sales associate tells you that its cute on you, even though it's not your size, ask your friends. They wont lie to you.
2) Make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable in the clothes that you're wearing, because when you are comfortable it boosts your confidence and it will show on the outside. People will want to talk to you and be around you when you are confident.

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